One night here could easily look like another's worst nightmare. Night after night, hope can slip further and further away. Our outreach team visits various red light districts in Thailand on a weekly basis. Our goal is to build comfortable relationships with pure intentions in an atmosphere of acceptance. In order to remain involved in conversation, we are required to "buy" their time. In order to engage in any outside ministry opportunity, we are required to “buy” them for the entire night.

Join us on the mission to free them, if only for one night

Buy a man or woman out of the brothels for the night

Buy a man or woman out of a brothel for the night and treat them to a nice dinner

Enable our team to conduct statistical anti-trafficking research for one day


Enable our team to conduct statistical anti-trafficking research for one weekend in the red light district

Give 6 men or women a night out of the bars and a hosted dinner party with our outreach team

Give 12 men or women a night out of the bars and a hosted dinner party with our outreach team